Good Morning Comrades,
This is a reminder that District Five’s School of Instruction is going to be on 08/15/21, at the Montesano Post 2455 – VFW Park 93 ST Rt 107. It will start at 1300 (1:pm) and the District will supply burgers-hot dogs and drinks.
I would like to remind all Commanders that per the Podium Edition, Manual of Procedure Sec. 218 (a) Officers (1)k “Assure that the Commander or their representative attend all properly called District Conventions or meetings and County Council meeting (if applicable)” The District has included the Quartermasters to be in attendance too. I have noticed that some Post have not been coming to the District meetings in the past. Commanders that are doing this are doing their Post an injustice by not representing the Post and not providing information from the meeting to their Post membership. And the SOI is not just for the Commanders and Quartermasters, it’s for all members of your Post. Please encourage your membership to check out the District meeting.
Our SOI is before the State’s. I will attempt to get our State Rosters and another information that they want us to have this coming week if they are available. If not, I’ll delivery them to each Post Commander as soon as I can. I’m looking forward in meeting all of you, the old, the new Commanders and any members and their spouses.